Twitter the Gospel in 140 characters

In Seminary, we were challenged to be able to give the Gospel in 1 minute. This was called the "Elevator Gospel" because it was the length of a very long elevator ride when you knew you had a captive audience. I thought it was tough!

Now, over on Brian Baute's blog, he saw a writing contest from copyblogger and turned it into a challenge: can you put the Gospel of Jesus Christ (as you understand it) into 140 characters?

Why 140 characters? It's called micro-blogging, popularized by Twitter, where short messages are able to be broadcast to people via mobile phones texting or other web applications.

Anywho, the challenge is set: Can you put the Good News of Jesus Christ into 140 characters?

Try it! Here's mine:

Being saved is not about what happens when we die, but what begins when we realize God always loves us and wants us to transform the world. (Jeremy)

Some other examples:
The world, once whole, then broken. Jesus came, suffered, died, lives. Yahweh’s creation restored. Spirit alive in us, in spite of us. Life! (Brian)

Was happy with taking the bad with the good. Jesus showed me the good could be great and the bad could be gone forever (Mark)

Christianity is not about what you do, but what God has already done (Paul)

God’s perfect. We’re not. God punished Jesus, the perfect Man, in our place, on the cross. Believe this, turn from sin, and live forever (David)

We seek revenge, but God knows only reconciliation has the power to end pain and transform the world. That's why God became human in Christ. (Jeremy...yes, I had two)

Post yours in the comments, and start following me on Twitter!


Anonymous,  May 22, 2008 at 12:57 PM  

there was a man who embodied love and gave his life to transform others. if we could learn to love like that, we'd see the face of god.

david May 24, 2008 at 11:25 AM  

You've been tagged! I may lurk, but I want to know your 5.

Anonymous,  May 26, 2008 at 5:02 PM  

A Father's Son, conceived by Spirit, died for sin and rose for hope. There is life, now and forever. Live, love, transform.

Anonymous,  May 26, 2008 at 5:06 PM  

A Father's Son, conceived by Spirit, died for sin and rose for hope. There is life, now and forever. Live, love, transform.

[sorry for the duplicate..i mistyped my url the first time..]

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