HackingChristianity (HX.net) is the personal website of Rev. Jeremy Smith, a pastor in the United Methodist Church.
My passions are Christian ministry, social justice, and internet theory. You will find all three of those here!
After running anonymous and pseudonymous blogs for the past 5 years, I've decided to take the plunge and run my own personal website. I got tired of running into people and wanted to say "yeah, I've blogged about you" or talking about current events and wanted to say "yeah, I've blogged about that"...but I couldn't because they were anonymous blogs or part of a group blog. There's a lack of accountability associated with anonymous blogs that I'm just not comfortable with now that I'm in a pastoral role.
So, here we are. HackingChristianity.net. The origins of the website name are discussed here. Don't freak out, it's more nerdy than blasphemous...I promise.
Thanks for stopping by. If you want to learn more about where I've been and my experiences, my CV is here.
Fun times!