What I've Noted...04/02/2008

Philosophy Over Coffee: "Why is THAT blog on your sidebar?" Annotated

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  • Since news has become custom, and you can surround yourself with your bubble of news and blogs of like-mindedness, there is a need to disturb and interject differing thoughts into people's day-to-day comforts. I also read ridiculously different blogs and I disagree with them, but they make me think about my own opinions, not just keeping me sure because my echo-chamber is foolproof. - post by umjeremy
the larger issue for me has been whether a blog is able to engage me, make me think, keep me honest.

    King's final crusade: The radical push for a new America - CNN.com Annotated

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    King called his crusade the Poor People's Campaign. He planned to march on Washington with a multiracial army of poor people who would build shantytowns at the Lincoln Memorial -- and paralyze the nation's capital if they had to.

    The campaign's goal: force the federal government to withdraw funding for the Vietnam War and commit instead to abolishing poverty.

      King called his crusade the Poor People's Campaign. He planned to march on Washington with a multiracial army of poor people who would build shantytowns at the Lincoln Memorial -- and paralyze the nation's capital if they had to.

      The campaign's goal: force the federal government to withdraw funding for the Vietnam War and commit instead to abolishing poverty.

      What King was saying by this time was even more provocative than what he planned. In his final presidential address to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, he said the movement should address "the question of restructuring the whole of American society."


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