Learning Humility, part 134
- Situation: Car wouldn't start.
- Diagnosis: Engine wasn't getting enough gas, replace the fuel filter. You've done this before in your 80s Buick, you can do it again in this newfangled 90s Camry!
- Solution: Buy a $20 fuel filter, put it in.
- Situation: Car has been out of commission for 48 hours, now a health and fire hazard.
- Diagnosis: While putting in the fuel filter, and about 90% through a textbook-smooth replacement of a fuel filter, this blogger (now named McClumsy) broke the fuel line in half.
- Solution: Tow to an auto place. Four hours and a few feet of fuel line later, car is fixed for $250. Had I just brought it there in the first place? $80.
Next time the Trustees ask, can't you fix that in the parsonage yourself, tell them this story.
Wow! I just got my stimulus check today too. No way I could afford a Prius. Congratulations!
Yeah, no way can I either. That's why I'm contemplating it!
That or I'll cash the stimulus check into one dollar bills and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck...
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