Justice for Breakfast

This is what you get when you ask "Is our emphasis on social justice detracting from other areas of the Gospel?"

To me, [justice and evangelism together] is the very essence of what spread within the early Church—they were caring for the poor, preaching another Kingdom and another emperor other than Caesar. It was absolutely magnetic because the faith people had placed in Rome was at an all-time low, so when they were saying, “We’ve got another Kingdom,” people were like, “Yes, we’re ready, because the world as we’ve experienced it is not working.” The beautiful thing is, people are saying the same thing now.
Shane Claiborne
And if that wasn't clear enough:
The message to Christians today is very clear. Any gospel that isn’t good news to poor people simply isn’t the Gospel of Jesus Christ; any evangelism that doesn’t include social justice ignores the perfectly integrated life and message of Jesus
Jim Wallis


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