"You Don't Hack Much Christianity Here"

Let's take a meta-moment here. In light of the way how Dr. Horrible begins his sing-along video, I thought I'd respond to a few emails I've gotten over the week. 

Actually, just two regarding one topic. 

Two different emailers asserted that for a website that "claims to hack Christianity" ... I seem to "post on fluffy stuffs [sic]."  It made me stop and think.  And since I'm a big fan of scoring stuff, let's score at the last 10 posts (excluding this one):

  • Christian commentary: 4
  • Humor: 4
  • Series content:1
  • Web stuff: 1
So given this greatly scientific analysis, I'm at least as hacking as I am humoring.  And you know what, humor is hacking too.

So I hope I provide as much hacking and group theory as I do the light stuff for the readers of this weblog. If you'd like to see more or less of either, or have ideas or links for me to peruse, feel free to drop them in the comments!


david August 7, 2008 at 9:13 AM  

if your humor was REALLY bad, you'd be a hack. then eighty percent of the last ten posts could fall under the category "hack".

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