Google's FriendConnect coming tomorrow

Google OpenSocial LogoImage by anonymonk via FlickrHacking Christianity was chosen as a blog to participate in Google's emerging social network called "Friend Connect." I'm beta-testing it and will probably get it up and running Friday afternoon (sermonizing in the morning, webministry in the afternoon...priorities people!)

Why do this? 

  • Because synergy is more powerful than people sitting alone and thinking and some relevant creative ideas can emerge from this group.
  • Because it gets me to know my readership a bit better and I can be more relevant as a blogger and pastor (in both roles, that is).
  • Because if people ask if you are a say YES. (reference anyone? anyone?)
So, if you want a safe place to try Google's latest attempt to take over the world, go get yourself a Google account and come back tomorrow to check it out. I'm excited already.

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Anonymous,  December 5, 2008 at 7:22 AM  

Because if people ask if you are a say YES.

Ghostbusters, of course.

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Jazz hands! ~Jeremy

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