The "Do Anything" Pastors [video]

Oh, the joy of the internets. This makes me cringe, but it's clearly awesome that these pastors have waaaaay fun in their parish.

Yes it's a parody of Veggietales "The Pirates Who Won't Do Anything"

(hat tip: MMI)


Katie Z. January 9, 2009 at 3:08 PM  

Wow! That is kind of impressive.

I found your blog on the umc young clergy blog page. I blog over at Nice to meet you!

Anonymous,  January 10, 2009 at 6:45 AM  

OK, I can't figure out if this is satirical or not. If I go down the list of what these folks say they will do, I can probably say that my church has offered all of these services at one time or another. So the question is, are they laughing *at* us or *with* us?

Anonymous,  January 14, 2009 at 10:50 AM  

Anonymous wrote: "is it satirical?"
I hope it is. However, I believe it to be real and in a sick way genuine. So will these pastors rob a bank for me? And then break someone's legs too? From all to personal experiences, I think this is real. I've met these people. They will actually sacrifice their own dog if it would get you to come to Church. How fake! yuck! That video is worse than any horror movie I have ever seen.

Rev. Jeremy Smith January 14, 2009 at 11:56 AM  

Mack, your fears of ends-based ministries are well founded. However, I'm pretty sure it is a parody, something funny the group did for their group of insiders, not meant to be taken globally. That's the hard part about the internets; things said locally go global. It is meant to illustrate their passion, not to be taken literally.

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