Most starred blogs in Google Reader
I was cleaning out my 314 starred items (!) in Google Reader of items that I had read or wasn't planning on blogging about anymore. As I went through it, I noticed there were a ton of starred items from a few blogs.
So here's the top religious and secular blogs you should read in 2009, because apparently they get mentioned or read alot here at Hacking Christianity (in alphabetical order by first name):
- Adam Walker Cleaveland's Pomomusings
- Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish
- Blake Coffee's Church Whisperer
- Blake Huggins
- Church Marketing Sucks (group blog)
- Emerging Women (group blog)
- Feministing (group blog)
- Jan Edmiston's A Church for Starving Artists
- Jenny Smith's Jouney On (no relation)
- Jeremy Pryor's From Eden to Zion
- Jonathan Brink's Missio Dei
- Methoblog (group blog)
- Pam Spaulding's House Blend
There are many more awesome blogs I read (see my ministry friends and the links at the bottom of the page). And there are amazing blogs that I read immediately instead of starring for later. But given the above criteria, these are the ones that get stars from me, so take from this list what you will.
One reflection: Of the 13 blogs, 5 of them blog from an exclusively women's perspective (the Methoblog is mixed). The others are mostly white males. I'm glad my reading is more diverse than it used to be, as it is important to read perspectives other than white males who may or may not recognize their privilege. I am a white male, so the struggle is personal to me!
My personal challenge to you is to do the same and see how many women and group blogs you read. I'd be interested in your reflections, so post a comment!
Hi Jeremy,
One of the things I've noticed is that I tend to skim general blogs right away, and save the ones I love for last. That includes mostly personal blogs of friends and stuff, and HX (yey you!) and a couple other pastors' blogs. One blog I really like that offers the womanist perspective (as opposed to the feminist one) is Renita Weem's blog, Something Within: . I love her writing anyway; _Listening for God_ transformed my understanding of my call my first year in seminary, and I credit that book for me sticking with ministry the several times (already) I've doubted my call.
wow. and i thought my 100 or so starred items was a lot. i'm working on diversifying my reading as well. which means i may be letting go of some things. rest assured though, is not on that list.
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