Jesus' 3day Exploit
Then the conversation got even more interesting. He saw I had my cross out and visible and asked if I was a Christian. I said yes, I am a pastor, and I actually have a blog called "Hacking Christianity." He liked the blog name and then said something that really turned wheels in my head. Here's roughly what we said:
Hacker: You know what I think? I think if Death was a system, then Jesus hacked the system of death. We could say he did it through a 0day exploit.In hacking, a 0day exploit is a vulnerability in a system that is so newly uncovered that it is unfixed (hence: zero days in existence). It is not a virus, but knowledge of the vulnerability is shared from hacker to hacker once it is released into the wild. The company then has to fix the system quickly to keep the hack from working anymore. The longer the gap between detection and fixing it, the greater the 0day hack.
Me: Or in Jesus' case, a 3day exploit.
Hacker: Exactly. He broke it open for everyone.
I like this metaphor because it speaks to nerds about what Jesus did.
- Jesus hacked the system of death by living and dying in a way that death hadn't seen before or knew how to contain, even in a tomb.
- Three days later, Jesus escaped from death and told of his 3day exploit to his followers, with instructions to spread it "to all the nations."
- The followers did so, and the hack continues to work for generations of followers because the exploit of the system of death is unfixable. The hack is eternal life.
Nerds. You never know what they might come up with.
That is incredibly cool! Definitely the first time I have EVER heard that metaphor used. I'm trying to imagine Jesus showing up on a corner near MIT, beginning a story, "The kingdom of God is like a hacker...."
So that's what Lost is all about. I knew it...
See, Neo really *is* Jesus. I hope the actual Son of God has a better vocabulary.
still laughing over "the KOG is like a hacker..."
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