A "Go" movement in a "Take" world

My senior minister noted this past Sunday that Jesus is often sending people to do stuff. Sending disciples to get a donkey for the entrance to Jerusalem. Sending disciples to prepare the upper room Sending the Lawyer out to "do likewise." Telling people to "Go" and do something.  Often, Jesus was standing still while his disciples did the work of ministry around him.

Perhaps we are called to play a "Go" role in in the kingdom, going to the slums, going to do the work, going to be the hands and feet, going to the depths of grief with another, going to the floor in advocacy, going to the town hall in protest, going to the mattresses, going to where Christ does not seem to be found, wanted, or acknowledged.

Perhaps in a world of taking all that you can get, we are called to go to the extremities of pain, grief, doctrinal rigidity, and apathy and bring them back to the Christ who calls for them.


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