The Lord's Prayer, Aramaic Peshitta version
I'm doing a wedding for a couple in two months and they requested a different version of the Lord's Prayer than I've seen before. The footnote states that it is "adapted from a literal translation of Matthew 6:9-13 from the Aramaic Peshitta text." Check it out:
Our Creator who is everywhere, let Your name be set apart,
Your spirit come. Let Your desire be, as in the universe, also on earth.
Provide us our needful bread from day to day
and free us from our offenses, as also we have freed our offenders.
And do not let us enter into temptation, but separate us from error.
For to You belong the kingdom, the power, and the song and praise, from all ages throughout the ages. Amen.
Our Creator who is everywhere, let Your name be set apart,
Your spirit come. Let Your desire be, as in the universe, also on earth.
Provide us our needful bread from day to day
and free us from our offenses, as also we have freed our offenders.
And do not let us enter into temptation, but separate us from error.
For to You belong the kingdom, the power, and the song and praise, from all ages throughout the ages. Amen.
I've seen worse, but it is not a straightforward translation of the Peshitta, or any other Aramaic version of the Lord's Prayer for that matter.
The Aramaic Blog gives examples of worse "translations" as well as a transliteration and translation that you may find useful.
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