What I've noted...04/01/2008

In Case of Poison Ingestion: Drink Milk? Annotated

tags: hacking

  • What a body-hack! By drinking something that we are not naturally able to digest, we can save our lives from something that could kill us! Ha! - post by umjeremy
So there’s the answer… by drinking milk, you not only dilute the detergent (or other poison), you overwhelm the lactase enzymes, allowing your stomach’s hydrochloric acid to curdle the milk, which coats your stomach and intestines, slowing down the rate with which your body absorbs the poison.

    Laughter and Religion :: Green Living at Care2 Annotated

    tags: humor

    Why is there no place for Laughter at the banquet table of organized religion? Could it be that, if invited, Laughter would behave so badly that it might upset first the cart bearing the golden apples (being served as the first course of temptation and enslavement), and then the whole table as well? Is the high priest's chair the one place on the face of the Earth that's off-limits to a whoopee-cushion? What's become of the smiling Buddhas with the roly-poly bellies and the laughing Taoists who, just before they died, concealed fireworks under their robes so that the mourners gathered at the funeral fires would be giggled, tickled, rollicked, and rolled out of their grief?

    Compassion is one of the most powerful and beautiful forces of human nature, but tie a smile as a wick around a glass jar of compassion, fill it with the fuel of laughter, and you have a Molotov cocktail capable of sending the blue meanies that strangle our souls racing for the exits.

      Why is there no place for Laughter at the banquet table of organized religion? Could it be that, if invited, Laughter would behave so badly that it might upset first the cart bearing the golden apples (being served as the first course of temptation and enslavement), and then the whole table as well? Is the high priest's chair the one place on the face of the Earth that's off-limits to a whoopee-cushion? What's become of the smiling Buddhas with the roly-poly bellies and the laughing Taoists who, just before they died, concealed fireworks under their robes so that the mourners gathered at the funeral fires would be giggled, tickled, rollicked, and rolled out of their grief?

        Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican | Top News | Reuters Annotated

        tags: no_tag

        • I disagree completely with the use of the term "denomination" when referring to Islam. They are a faith, not a denomination. In fact, Catholicism doesn't usually refer to themselves as a denomination either. - post by umjeremy
        • By framing this issue in this way, I also hope this isn't "Islam is taking over" or "the faith is faltering" gambits. - post by umjeremy
        Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday.


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