WikiChurch: Childrens and Youth Ministry

Well if you know any Methodists this time of year, you probably hear a lot about clergy transitions.  It is a bittersweet time of saying goodbye and of anticipating new opportunities for both the outgoing pastor and the receiving parish that gets a fresh perspective every few years.

I've been pastoring a New England United Methodist parish for three years.  It is my first church to serve as pastor since graduating seminary in 2006.  And on Sunday, I told them I would be saying goodbye.  I have been assigned a new appointment in Oklahoma where I will be in my home state and continue along the ordination process that I entered in 2006.

Here's where you come in: My new appointment is as an Associate Pastor, focusing on children's, youth, and young adult ministries.  I know a LOT of people in these type ministries either in clergy or lay roles.  And if I blog about wiki-way of doing ministry, then it makes sense that the aggregate wisdom of those people would be very valuable to me.

I need your help.  I feel I would benefit tremendously from their (your) wisdom.

So, to that end, I've created a Google Form for you to give me (and thus us) some help!  It's got two sections:

  1. What words of wisdom do you have for children's and youth ministry?
  2. What resources would you recommend I take a look at? (curriculumn, websites, books, media, etc)
Check out the form here and offer your response! 

Thanks in advance for your experience and words of wisdom.

If you aren't familiar with these types of ministries, pass this on to someone who is!

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Anonymous,  May 14, 2009 at 1:14 PM  

Hi Jeremy! Welcome back!

I don't have any expertise in that area, but I will pass it on to some who might.

See you at Conference?

Bruce Davis

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