And so it begins... [Road Trip]

Well, it begins.  My spouse, two cats, and I will make a trek across America this week.  We are leaving New England for the Plains as I begin a new position working with children and youth.

My last Sunday at my current parish was bittersweet and emotional.  The congregation doubled in size as we celebrated three years of ministry in my first parish.  As the longtime members told me: Pastors will serve a lot of churches, but they only serve their first parish once.  So, yes, they will forever be a part of my heart.

The receiving parish has already exhibited tremendous hospitality and enthusiasm.   They haven't had an associate pastor of children's and youth before, so they are just excited to have "grown up" enough to merit a dedicated staff person to these ministries.  So the excitement of newness is in my spirit already, inoculating me against despair and stress of packing.  At least...a little bit!  Ha!

So...enough about me, let's move to the Blog.  There's a few blog posts scheduled, but probably very light blogging for the next two weeks.  There, there, don't cry.  There are plenty of twitter updates will be coming.  Give me a follow and you'll get them all!

I'm thankful for your prayers, karma, or well-wishes as we make this three-day trek. Blessings and see you on the other side of the Mississippi!

*No, that's not my truck.  But it was humorous!


Olive Morgan June 18, 2009 at 2:45 AM  

You certainly have my prayers! Packing up and saying 'Farewell' are bad enough, but a three day trek sounds to be quite a trial! I pray that your new assignment will be well worth all that and bring rich blessings to both you and the parish.

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