Is "Good Enough" the Future of Ministry?
Quick hit: we talked before about rough "unfinished" forms of ministry being allowed to take root in "What the Church can Learn from Wikipedia." Per the article below, it seems the same concept is taking place in technology as fast flexible programs are replacing high-tech ones simply due to it being "good enough" to get the job done.
I wonder how often we argue over the perfection of a ministry while "good enough" ministries to meet people's needs lie dormant on the "ideas" sheet.
Is "Good Enough" the Future of Technology?: "himitsu writes 'In an article titled 'The Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine,' Wired claims that the future of technology, warfare and medicine will be filled with 'good enough' solutions; situations where feature-rich and expensive products are replaced with bare-bones infrastructures and solutions. 'We now favor flexibility over high fidelity, convenience over features, quick and dirty over slow and polished. Having it here and now is more important than having it perfect. These changes run so deep and wide, they're actually altering what we mean when we describe a product as 'high-quality.'''
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Thoughts? If "good enough" is fine for technology as a tool, why isn't "good enough" ok in ministry and mission ideas?
Unfortunately, it is only once we're in Heaven that we can say when we've been there 10,000 years that we've only just begun.
Here, we should not let the "perfect" become the enemy of the good. Obviously, we should not rush out with whatever is quickest and easiest either. That is where wisdom, judgement and discernment come in (and where the problems really start). :-)
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