Help: Women's Voices in a Wiki World

I'm writing an article about faith, women, and technology, particularly how mass collaboration and lowered transaction costs impact and are impacted by women in faith communities. 

But I've hit a snag.  My favorite voices so far in the mass collaboration brave new world are:

  1. The Starfish and the Spider
  2. Here Comes Everybody
  3. Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
Notice a trend?  THEY ARE ALL MEN!  For an article on women, I need women's voices reflecting on mass collaboration and emerging internet phenomenon.

Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.
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Nathan Mattox May 20, 2009 at 12:26 PM  

My friend Katherine Pershey
is part of revgalblogpals, a pretty big network of female clergy bloggers. Check it out

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